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Sunday School for grades K - 8

Coffee & Fellowship

Worship Service

Confirmation Reception



Office Closed

Knitting Group

Mid Platte Valley Taekwondo



Weekly Staff Meeting

Mid Platte Valley Taekwondo



K-5 LOGOS Youth
LOGOS Supper!
6-12 LOGOS Youth

Joy Ringers (Handbell) Rehearsal

Chancel Choir Rehearsal


Tuesday - Friday


10:00am - 2:30pm

Winter 1.jpg


Greetings church,


Join us for Sunday School, fellowship hour, and worship. Our schedule is follows:

9:00am - Sunday School for grades K - 8

Grades K - 2 in the Rainbow Room

Grades 3 - 5 in the Balloon Room

Grades 6 - 8 in the Youth Room

9:00am - Fellowship/Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall

10:00am - Worship in the Sanctuary or via our YouTube channel


This is the 3rd Sunday of April. The Chancel Choir, in collaboration with our LOGOS Kids, will be offering an exciting Introit and Anthem for your listening pleasure.

It is also Noisy Buckets Sunday so be sure to bring your loose change and the children will be happy to come along and collect it!


In this Sunday’s sermon we continue our year long series of Living in Rhythm with God and with one another. We’ll be using the text of Colossians 3: 12 - 17 as our basis for examining how we might proactively live like this. Up until last week, we studied the various personality characteristics the Apostle Paul asks us to literally wear like it is our brand. With actively practicing acceptance as discussed last week, we transitioned into the application of the previously covered characteristics. This week, we move into a discussion about actively practicing forgiveness. How does compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience better enable a lifestyle of forgiveness? We’ll discuss these things and more. I hope you can join us!

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