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Give of your time and talents by serving on any one of the various teams or committees listed below. You can also give of your treasurers with the button at the bottom of this page.

Our greatest current need? Volunteers! We are still in need of Sunday school teachers on a rotational basis.  If you are interested in serving, scroll down and fill out the form below.

Sunday School Teacher: Teachers are responsible for teaching the curriculum to students on Sunday mornings during Sunday school hour.

LOGOS Teacher: LOGOS is our Wednesday night program for children and youth. Teachers are responsible for teaching the curriculum.

Elder: An Elder is a church member in good standing who is nominated and elected by the congregation to serve on Session.  Once ordained as a ruling Elder and after serving his/her initial three-year term, an Elder is eligible to serve at the Presbytery or denominational levels.

Deacon: A Deacon is a church member in good standing who is nominated and elected by the congregation to serve the community by offering pastoral care. This includes visitation with shut-ins and people in nursing care facilities. It can also include bereavement care at the loss of a loved one.

Endowment and Gifts Committee: The Endowment and Gifts Committee oversees gifts, bequests, memorials and other contributions made to the church as well as the growth of the Endowment Fund.  The committee is further responsible for administration of the Presbyterian Scholarship Program.


Other Community Initiatives in Which We Participate: Meals on Wheels, Lexington Ministerial Association, the Food Pantry, L2 for Kids, Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska, the Lexington Community Garden in collaboration with Lexington Regional Health Center, Micah's House and the Majestic Theater.

Session: Session is the governing body of the church. It consists of 9 Elders nominated and elected by the congregation to serve a three year term, a clerk of Session and the Pastor. The Pastor serves as the moderator of the Session. The Session is responsible for the administration of the church and it's activities. Each Elder sits on one of the teams listed below and one Elder serves as the chairperson of each.

Mission and Outreach: Mission and Outreach is responsible for determining different missional opportunities in both the local community and beyond.  We work with Community Action Parternship, Micah's House and support overseas missionaries.

Faith: Faith oversees worship and Christian education. The team plans for special services, liturgical seasons and recruits volunteers for various lay leadership opportunities.  Christian education includes Sunday school for all ages, Wednesday night programming for children and youth, confirmation and vacation Bible school.

Congregational Care: Congregational Care is responsible for working towards making both regular attendees and visitors feel welcome and included.

Personnel: Personnel is responsible for the care of church employees in concert with the Head of Staff (Pastor). The team further provides an extra layer of accountability for the pastor by reviewing monthly pastoral reports and approving time off requests.

Properties Team: Properties is responsible for the care, maintenance and use of the church properties.  The team is further responsible for collecting tithes and offerings, counting loose offering and submitting all monies collected to the church treasurer for deposit.  The properties team works in close concert with the church treasurer in their oversight of monthly bills being paid.

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